WhatCity? Network

Call: B
Area: Bilaterálny fond
Organization name: punkt
Amount: 6 400 €

The public spaces belong to citizens. The problem is that the function and looks of public spaces are not exploited to their full potential in Slovakia. The bilateral project – “WhatCity? Network” is looking for new methods to attract public to issues of their rights to comment on public spaces. The main goal of the project is to create cooperation between 2 NGOs – “PUNKT” from Slovakia and “NUDA” from Norway. Both NGOs have organized conferences and dialogues amongst experts in urbanism, public institutions, citizens in order to create quality public spaces in the cities. The partial goals of the project are to exchange know-how on methodology of conferences, share the experiences on communication with public institutions, and impact on decision processes. There will be round tables and consultancy realized between the 2 NGOs and meetings with other organizations in Bergen. The project is directed on personnel of NGOs for their higher professionalization. The indirect target groups are citizens and public sphere employees who will participate at conference in April, that is planned to use the methods learned from consultancy. Partner organization NUDA will participate at meetings with PUNKT in Bergen and consult and compare the conferences. NUDA will also initiate meetings with other organizations from Bergen for PUNKT. The results of the project will be innovated methods of conference planning and realization, and the new ways by which the expert knowledge can improve decision making processes.
