Activity Opens Door

Call: 3
Area: Democracy, good governance and transparency
Organization name: Carpathian Foundation
Amount: 10 000 €

Project is aiming to strengthen the role of NGOs and improve conditions for civil society in Eastern Slovakia by strengthening capacities of NGOs, their leaders, involvement of young people and creation of enabling environment for more effective cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration. Project activities are contributing to capacity building of NGOs, their formal/informal networks and local/regional cross-sectoral partnerships in order to develop strong coalitions for better operation of civil society. It will also promote the concept of voluntarism mainly among young people and local/regional NGOs and contribute to creation of good environment for involvement of young people into civil society in order to mobilize the existing potential and ensure the continuity of active citizenship. Project activities will follow up on results of previous projects and 20 years’ experience of the Foundation. Peer to peer couching meetings will create space for group meetings of NGO leaders devoted to actual topics (cross-sectoral cooperation, involvement of young people, hate speech and human rights agenda). Cross-sectoral lunch seminars will create a discussion platform on similar topics for participants from NGOs, local self-governments, businesses and public sector. Portal of volunteer cooperation will create platform for connecting the offer with the demand – volunteers with NGOs. Individual couching will help future volunteers to get basic knowledge in actual and related topics.

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