Citizens for Democracy

Call: 1
Area: Democracy, good governance and transparency
Organization name: LOToS - spolok lokálnych televíznych staníc Slovenska
Amount: 33 391 €

The project responds to the need to increase the sensitivity of citizens against unfair practices in governance and to enhance responsible informing about this topic in the local/reg.TV.The main objective of the project is to raise awareness about the possibilities of engaging citizens to influence and control public life.The implementation of the communication project:Citizens for democracy,broadcast in the local TVs is a tool for achieving this goals.Activities: A/Best practices training and exchange of experience.Experts from the watch-dog and advocacy NGOs will be involved in educational activities.B/Individual coaching to reporters of the local/reg.TVs with the potential involvement of social media,focusing on fair and responsible coverage.C/Production 3 TV programs:Citizens for Democracy-Transparency of Government 2.Transparency and Public Scrutiny of the Judiciary 3.Civil Society and Watch-dog Activities.D/Programs will be broadcast in 20 local/reg. TV.



