Writing and analyses of policy papers related to Roma youth policy

Call: 2
Area: Human rights including minority rights
Organization name: Pro Vobis
Amount: 4 672,80 €

In Slovakia, there is a lack of participation mostly among young Roma activists in public affairs . The project aims to increase the capacity of the Roma youth.Aim of this project is to begin to build capacity in the target group in all processes relating to public policy , as direct participation in these processes will improve the status of integration of Roma into society . Policy should have the best effect on the Roma themselves , so they must be formed from the bottom up , and this approach will also promote the project . The project will offer training sessions tp selected group of young Roma and prepare them for the formation of policy analyzes aimed at youth . Training participants themselves will evaluate the policy and subsequently will be under the mentoring of teacher prepard for presentation and subsequent advocacy activities at various levels. Later on be able to participate in the preparation of analyzes and reports on other policies targeting the Roma also at the international level.


website: www.provobis.sk
