Friends from the Web

Call: 1
Area: Human rights including minority rights
Organization name: ĽUDIA ĽUĎOM, n.o.
Amount: 49 999 €

The Friends from the Web project aims to help children from socially weaker groups in a number of areas. It is divided into 2 parts:
Big Friends: Using the infrastructure of the giving portal which we run, we will enable “online adoptions“ – a special kind of call for support registered by the institution that works with the child. The donations will be used by the recipients to cover the cost of education, support the child and its basic rights.
Small Friends: The social network will enable communication by the children with donors and other users, especially their age mates. It will include learning modules aimed to actively engage the child, improve its expression abilities, overall and digital literacy. By bringing together users from a range of social strata and ethnic groups, we support social inclusion and provide for the basic rights of the child.



