Racial Prejudices and Discrimination in children´s homes – a time for change

Call: 1
Area: Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia
Organization name: Centrum pre výskum etnicity a kultúry
Amount: 44 235 €

Roma children are significantly more frequently placed in institutional care facilities. Given the discrimination that Roma face in the society it is plausible that racism and prejudice affect also Roma children’s status in such facilities. So far, inadequate attention has been paid to this issue and no relevant analysis has been made that would comprehensively assess the status of Roma children in children’s homes. The project’s main objective is to explore processes of placing Roma children in children’s homes, the care personnel’s and other stakeholders’ attitudes and different treatment of Roma children in comparison to non-Roma children.  Results and outcomes of the research will serve as a basis for further advocacy activities realised within a project. The main aim is to foster changes not oly in public policies, but also in practice.


website: www.cvek.sk

contact: kriglerova@cvek.sk
