About Foundation

We believe in liberal democracy, personal freedom and dignity of all individuals.

We create opportunities to improve our civil society – to increase its openness, to make it more transparent and to allow for equality of chances and protection of minorities and other vulnerable communities.

We tackle social issues which have an impact on citizens’ quality of life and their mutual relations in common space with respect to following values:

  • Openness
  • Transparency
  • Free choice
  • responsibility
  • Tolerance
  • Mutual respect
  • Acceptance
  • Dialogue
  • Non-conflicting nature
  • Activity

Through our own projects and grant schemes for NGOs which respect our values, we help to develop open society, foster education, human rights and equality of opportunities for unprivileged persons with regard to specific needs of Roma population

We are co-founders of Donors’ Forum, we regularly comment on legislative process, we are actively engaged in formation of various policies and we form part of multiple advisory committees and commissions.


Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti – Open Society Foundation has been operating in Slovakia since November 1992 as a member of well know Open Society Foundations family, present in more than 70 countries around the world. Their founder is a philanthropist and financier George Soros, who played a crucial role in democratic transformation and modernisation of Central and Eastern European countries.

The Foundation originated as independent Slovak entity operating grant schemes and funded by Open Society Institute, New York. Finances were originally targeted at emerging Slovak non-governmental organisations and their own investment programmes.

Several programme platforms of foundations phased into independent NGOs – Nadácia Centrum súčasného umenia (Foundation Centre for Contemporary Arts, Nadácia Škola dokorán (Open School Foundation), Otvorený klub lekárskej spoločnosti (Medical Society Open Club, Plán B, n.o. (Plan B), NGO, The Slovak Discussion Association and Slovak-Czech Female Fund.


Read more about our history in NOS-OSF: 20 years of activity.

Safeguarding Policy for Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

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