Supported Projects – I. Call

Overview of projects supported by Call for humanity

1.) Človek v ohrození, o.z.

Providing urgent humanitarian relief to the most affected fleeing people in Serbia and neighbouring countries.

Project duration: November 2015 – March 2016

Amount: 54 325, 00 €

Providing short term humanitarian relief to the most vulnerable people fleeing through Eastern Balkan. The most vulnerable are people fleeing from countries with ongoing armed conflicts – in Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia (pregnant/nursing women, women and children, exhuasted people with hypothermia with no access to warm clothes and shelter, people without access to food, water and basic hygiene). Through immediate relief focused on providing information, supplying food and water, basic hygiene and emergency shelters, will Človek v ohrození, o.z. participate on solving the humanitarian situation in the area. The goal of the project will be carried out through mobile humanitarian unit, whose flexibility will allow effective relief to the most vulnerable fleeing people at the various location according to current need.

2.) Liga za ľudské práva

Legal aid to refugees

Project duration: October 2015 – April 2016

Amount: 24 999, 69 €

The goal of the project is to provide qualified legal aid to refugees, persons with subsidiary protection, including asylum-seekers, unacompanied minors and aliens placed in detention, which is needed for stabilising their status in Slovakia, protection of their rights and legaly protected interests, thusly supporting their integration and inclusion to the society.

3.) Evanjelická diakonia ECAV na Slovensku

Providing aid to refugees on their way through Europe

Project duration: October 2015 – March 2016

Amount: 20 000, 00 €

Providing refugees the means to sustain their health in situations and conditions, that they occur in temporarily. Ensure that their health does not decline and prevent epidemic illnesses in term of keeping basic human rights of the refugees in their temporary destinations. The aid will be focused on the basic needs (blankets and medical supplies) across the board and according to medical needs by specification and the order of importance of the target groups.

4.) Magna deti v núdzi

Medical and psychosocial aid to fleeing children and families

Project duration: October 2015 – March 2016

Amount: 104 620, 00 €

Project of aid to victims of Refugee Crisis in EU will contribute to reduction of vulnerability of refugees and migrants and improvement of their health and psychological status during journey to EU in transition camps and borders in Croatia and Serbia through providing medical and psychosocial aid. It will also prevent violent separation of family members. Nonstop medical and psychosocial care is provided in Magna tents and through mobile doctors teams, including doctors, nurses and health personell and personell with experience from psychology and social work. The role of Magna is also aiding the reunification of separated families. The team will try to eliminate situations, where the separation takes place, identify the most vulenrable and provide them with adeqaute support and access to information.

5.) Maltézska pomoc Slovensko o.z.

Humanitarian and medical aid to refugees

Project duration: October 2015 – March 2016

Amount: 24 740, 00 €

Aid to refugees arriving to Central Europe during their migration via this region through securing health and humanitarian support in the places of their concentration (borders crossings, camps, stations, etc). The aid will be provided in humanitarian tents, where the refugees will receive basic health care and material aid.  Maltézska pomoc Slovensko o.z.  will also continue in collection of toiletries and dry food, which will be partly distributed to state institutions, who work directly in detentions of the refugees and their concentration.

6.) Slovenská katolícka charita

Rafael Plus  – integration of persons with international protection in Slovak territory

Project duration: October 2015 – March2016

Amount: 85 522, 20 €

The goal of the project is successful integration of persons awarded international protection in Slovak territory to economic, social, political and cultural life in Slovakia. This will be achieved through activisation of the target group to self-sufficiency and independency and fostering their awarness and better orientation in their rights, responsibilities, possibilities of social security, social services and access to medical care. Securing housing and basic necessities of life for the target group, that shows active interest in integration to society. Economic integration of the target group through securing livelihood and economic independence. Raising the education level of the target group, knowledge of Slovak language, improving professional qualification with the aim of better position on the job market. Social and cultural integration of the target group and adoption of rules of the receiving country. Improvement of connection and cooperation of the subjects involved in the integration process using already active and emerging volunteer initiatives.

7.) Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, n.o.

Humanitarian aid to Syrian and other refugees in Hungary, Iraq and Middle East

Project duration : October 2015 – March 2016

Amount: 29 022, 00 €

The main goal of the humanitarian aid is to continue long-term activities of doctors team of  VŠZaSP Sv. Alžbety, that provides medical aid to Syrian and other refugees mostly in the territory of Hungary, to refugees in the centres of the conflict in Iraq and Middle East. The most important output is medical aid to refugess – examination, suggestion of treatment, providing medicine, daily to about 250 – 300 persons. The team of doctors also provides treatment of injuries, provides medicine and in urgent cases reaches out to Hungarian hospitals, that provide the transport of the patients.

Overview of distributed finances

Organisation Name of the project
Človek v ohrození, o.z. Providing urgent humanitarian relief to the most affected fleeing people in Serbia and neighbouring countries 54 325, 00 €
Liga za ľudské práva Legal aid to refugees 24 999, 69 €
Evanjelická diakonia ECAV na Slovensku Providing aid to refugees on their way through Europe 20 000, 00 €
Magna deti v núdzi Medical and psychosocial aid to fleeing children and families 104 620, 00 €
Maltézska pomoc Slovensko o.z. Humanitarian and medical aid to refugees 24 740, 00 €
Slovenská katolícka charita Rafael Plus  – integration of persons with international protection in Slovak territory 85 522, 20 €
Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, n.o. Humanitarian aid to Syrian and other refugees in Hungary, Iraq and Middle East 29 022, 00 €
TOTAL: 343 228, 89 €