Awareness and public involvement in decision-making processes

Call: 3
Area: Democracy, good governance and transparency
Organization name: Cycling Coalition
Amount: 13 446 €

The goal of the  project is to help public and activists in Bratislava to participate easily in decisions about how the city will look like. The problem is availability of information about building permits for new constructions in public space. Without the information people cannot participate and influence the project. At present some city boroughs publish the information about ongoing building permits on their web pages, however, there is a lack of an information channel which would notify people without the need to constantly watch official notice boards of all boroughs. The project aims to encourage measures causing all Bratislava borough governments and building authorities to publish the information also on their web pages. Also a software solution to notify citizens when a new building permit request is filed will be created during the project. The citizens will be able to react quickly, to step in the process and thus influence the future construction works in their surroundings. We will also monitor how the information about new building permit requests is published at the present time. We will seek legal ways to enforce a good publishing procedure in that city borough which turns out as the worst one. The result of the monitoring will be supplemented by a legal analysis, and a “best practice” manual for authorities will be created. The manual will suggest the ideal methods, procedures and tools for publishing information about the planned construction projects. We will also support public participation and provide a simple guide for public with practical hints. We will also participate in selected building permit proceedings, requesting better bicycle infrastructure. The project is not primarily focused to increasing participation in municipal parliament meetings, however, it is likely to contribute to it.


