Facts Against Homophobia

Call: 2
Area: Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia
Organization name: Iniciatíva Inakosť
Amount: 20 000 €

Social acceptance of LGBTI people is according to latest  research  lowest in Central Europe. The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of NGOs and the promotion of the principles of civic participation through the creation of platforms for arguments, evidence-based advocacy on behalf of LGBTI people human rights  in Slovakia and  homophobia reduction.  Next it will be conduct research on homophobia and collect examples of good practice from abroad and on its basis  creat of  public  policy papers in the field of media, development of media strategy and thus create awareness about LGBTI people human rights  and negative aspects of homophobia in the Slovak media and internet enviroment. Trough nformation campaign project also will  increas the availability and awareness  of objective and reliable  information about this issue and  support e-activism. The target group of the project are mainly NGOs, public authorities, LGBTI people, the media, the general public.

website: www.inakost.sk

contact: martin.macko@inakost.sk
