Who’s behind the door?

Call: 2
Area: Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia
Organization name: Člověk v tísni
Amount: 5 000 €

The project “Who’s behind the door?” is based on the idea of the fear of unknown, the fear of what could be behind that symbolic door, we are afraid to open. The main goal of the project is strengthening the active citizenship through the sensitisation and mobilisation of public, including youth on both sides. The project is aimed to bring closer both groups in non-violent and participative way, to dismantle prejudice and to find differences and similarities of the life in front and behind the “door”. The result is the recognition of reality, elimination of ideas, which are based on irrational assumptions and understanding. The main activities include educational activities, non- formal informative meetings and cultural event.  The necessary part of activities will be building the networks within the town and micro region. The target group is the youth from Roma community and majority, public from the town and surroundings of Spišské Podhradie.


contact: milada.javorova@peopleinneed.sk
