Central European Forum 2014

Call: 2
Area: Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia
Organization name: Projekt Fórum
Amount: 30 394,65 €

Central European Forum 2014 is the sixth edition of the annual international conference advancing common European values and identity by serving as a hub for cross-national networking of European civil society and European public. The proposed multi-genre conference builds on the key message of 1989: commitment to openness and the embrace of European values. CEF2014 will be held from November 14 to November 17 in Bratislava and will embrace 7 discussion panels and several fringe events such as school debates, film screenings and exhibition. Under the central heading “Us and Them” its aim is to dissect the nature and implications of the phenomenon buffeting contemporary Europe: entrenched polarisation within our societies – the wall of mutual recrimination and victimhood has grown so high that it blocks any reasonable dialogue, and no force or common idea seems strong enough to tear it down. In this respect, CEF2014 builds on the legacy of the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism.


website: www.salon.eu.sk

contact: marta.simeckova@gmail.com
