Public interests – public needs

Call: 2
Area: Democracy, good governance and transparency
Organization name: Združenie Slatinka
Amount: 33 975 €

Defining activities in the public interest has sweeping legal, socio-economic consequences. State must have the tools to promote public interest over the interests of a small group of people. Recently we have no mechanism to assess “public interest” for specific projects, neither for involvement local community to decision-making about it. The target group of the project are NGOs and local authorities, often being in conflict between needs of community and interest claimed by state. Another target is group officers and politicians, who are enforcing of the decision-making at the central level. The project is analyzing the legislation and judicial and administrative decisions. We will publish two handbooks, and invite young people to find the definition of the term “public interest”. We are going to prepare seminars and discussion forum for politicians, officers and the media and NGO. Results of the project will be set of recommendations for the assessment about this matter.



