Sport Unites (Different Colours, One Game)

Call: 1
Area: Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia
Organization name: Inštitút pre medzikultúrny dialóg
Amount: 72 352,76 €

Sport is a social phenomenon that affects many spheres of society and often reflects its state. However, racism, homophobia and other forms of intolerance often appear in it. At the same time, some groups of citizens have problems with joining professional or amateur sport activities actively due to prejudices. The project aims at exploiting the positive aspects of sport to help inclusion of disadvantaged groups of society and to fight discrimination and hate expressions in sport. IPMD proposes several activities and events that would create a firm basis for the continuation of the project even after exhaustion of the funding. Our priority is the youth and with respect to future, education seems to be extremely important. However, our project does not include educational activities (workshops, seminars, publication) only, but also monitoring(web, annual reports), sport events (tournaments, FARE Action Weeks, multicultural team) and others like exhibition, theater performances, etc.



