Not only for parents: new publications of our grantees available for download

In June 2015, Inštitút pre medzikultúrny dialóg (the Institute for Intercultural Dialogue) published a book entitled Parent’s and Teacher’s Guide to Right-Wing Extremism within the project Sport Unites – Different Colours, One Game.

Nowadays, extremism is a widely discussed phenomenon threatening the society. Within the context of public support, it is a dynamically changing phenomenon which is trying to mask its true essence because of its illegal nature.

This is precisely what makes it attractive, but at the same time more difficult to spot for the public. The publication is intended for parents and teachers and its aim is to clarify the issue of extremism and offer several brief explanations to help them understand the topic.

Readers gain access to a broad range of basic information in a relatively short book. For example, they find out what right-wing extremism is, who the typical representatives are, how they present themselves, why they are dangerous and who a typical supporter is.


Citizen, Democracy and Responsibility (Občan, demokracia a zodpovednosť) together with Women Circles Association (Ženské kruhy), issued a publication Women – Mothers – Bodies: Human Rights of Women in Obstetric Care in Healthcare Facilities in Slovakia. It is the first publication dealing with obstetric care from the point of view of women’s human rights. Not only does it fill the gap in the recognition of problems that women must go through in childbirth, it is also an innovative material for methodology. The publication is a result of more than two years of intensive work of two NGOs involved in the area of human rights of women in Slovakia, which also carried out the pilot research and monitoring.

The publication creates space for public discussion, as issues related to obstetric care have not been dealt with from the perspective of human rights yet. Professional discussion grounded on specific research findings can create fair, respectful and efficient cooperation of all stakeholders, including those who are the main focus of this type of care. The authors managed to provide several key perspectives that lack in Slovak obstetrics, inter alia the perspective of an authentic woman’s experience and the perspective of human rights of women.

The publication was issued with financial support of the Open Society Foundations and the NGO Fund administered by the NOS – OSF.


ASPEKT produces a new publication, too – Feminists Talk About Work. How Women Become Subjects of Capitalism. Several authors answer questions, such as: What role does work play in a human life? Who are we when we work? What is women’s work like? How does work change? The book is mainly focused on work ethics, ethnographic research method and the fact that capitalism is used as a logic of explanation and at the same time, it is an expression requiring a deeper explanation.

For more information on the publication, please visit


Author: Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti 4.06.2015
