Half-way house – equality for everybody in the house

Call: 3
Area: Anti-discrimination, combating of racism and xenophobia
Organization name: "SED – Lutheran Deacon Centre
Amount: 8 087,99 €

Dom na polceste (Halfway House) is a retreat for young men who, in spite of the life crisis, want to go further. It provides the young adults from orphanages with support and help on their way to independent life. Right now the young men work on the farm aimed at the fresh cow milk production. The Halfway House offers the site works too. This project will start with the information workshop and Open door day in the Halfway House, where the intention is to get the wide public, both professional and laic, acquainted with the activities of this facility that gives former orphanage inmates the chance to recover their’s feet. This event should be followed with the informative meetings with the representatives of social companies from both nearby and remote neighbourhood (i.e. Sp. Hrhov and L. Mikuláš), that will be aimed at the common exchange of experience. The Halfway House promotion will be supported with the media campaign in the regional print media and TV and on the internet that will draw the attention to the fact that this facility offers not only fresh farming products (milk, cheese, quark), but also construction site activities (complete structural design and realization of exterior and interior of buildings). The sustainability of this facility providing the social background to young adults from orphanages can be achieved through establishing of a social enterprise. This way the Halfway House could also provide job opportunities and help young adults to get work habits. Until now, 5 Halfway House inmates found their jobs on the farm and in construction activities. The project would make it possible to employ also the others. Despite of how difficult it is for them to find other work, they would learn how to work and to find job placement.

web : www.domnapolceste.sk

contact : info@domnapolceste.sk
