Not only for parents: new publications of our grantees available for download


These days three new publications from our grantees were presented to the public.

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Racism and extremism at stadiums need more attention, says a sports journalist

25.05.2015 ,

Approximately forty future journalists and TV editors from the Department of Journalism at Comenius University in Bratislava attended a workshop called Media Versus Racism and Extremism in Sports, organized by the Institute for Intercultural Dialogue (Inštitút pre medzikultúrny dialóg, IPMD).

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Misery in Slovakia: A topic that belongs to the theatre


Nacionalizmus, národná identita či postoj voči inakosti. Divadlo Pôtoň s mladými ľuďmi v rámci vzdelávacieho projektu hovorí o spoločenskej situácii na Slovensku.

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Cultural Bratislava: We have something to be proud of, but there are no conditions for survival


KU.BA is an open platform that aims to connect independent cultural operator and contribute to creation of cultural strategy for Bratislava.

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How Separated Children Disappear


Migration of unacompanied minors are ignored subject in society, says Liga za ľudské práva.

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For the sake of good choice: To make your mum understand


It is often difficult to explain the work of non-profit sector. And it is even harder to clarify the judicial system’s functioning. However, civil organisation Via Iuris managed to launch a successful campaign on jurisdiction. Their video-films and information graphics were very visible prior to election of the Supreme Court’s Chairman in Slovakia. Thus, the campaign For the sake of good choice serves as good practice example which managed to present non-mainstream topic to lay public.

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Civil association Against corruption has been trying to save Raden’s house in Čičmany for four years


Such a havoc! Activists are fighting for our cultural heritage.

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They are different, but they still wish to live with us, not beside us


The Association to help to people with mental disability in Slovakia is opening its thirteenth chamber – it fights the myths surrounding mentally challenged persons.

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Sport has the power to unite, proved refugees’ soccer match


Soccer was brought right to the centre of Bratislava by the You Are Welcome Among Us event organised on occasion of the World Refugees‘ Day.

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