Communication on the increase of financial allocation


Správca programu oznamuje potenciálnym žiadateľom o poskytnutie finančného príspevku z Programu Výzva k ľudskosti, že bola zvýšená finančná alokácia pre túto výzvu z pôvodnej sumy 156 750 € na novú sumu 242 272 €.

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Call for Humaniry: II. round open


16 November 2015 -The Programme Operator informs potential grant applicants within the Call for Humanity Programme that financial allocation for this call was increased from the original €156 750 to €242 272. The amount was increased due to the refusal of the approved grant within the first Call by the Slovak Catholic Charity. The remaining information provided […]

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TIPOS in cooperation with the Plea for Humanity redistributes first resources for acute refugee aid.


The first funds from the donation of TIPOS will be distributed to organizations providing practical assistance in a worsening refugee crisis in the coming days. Reallocation is based on the decision of the Council of the Plea for Humanity. The Council consists of initiators of the Plea, independent expert and representatives of the Tipos company as non-voting observers.

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