
Dear Mr. Hasna,

Dear members of the Muslim community in Slovakia,

On behalf of the undersigned organizations and individuals living in Slovakia we would like to express our sympathies and support to you and your families.

We are deeply sorry and, at the same time, alarmed by the appalling remarks made by the Slovak Prime Minister labelling you as a threat to the state’s security. It is very sad that, in an effort to prevent meaningful discussion about critical problems of our society, the highest ranking official of the Slovak government portrays your community as an enemy and a threat only to score political points in his pre-election campaign. By contrast, we consider Muslim community in Slovakia a long standing and a solid part of Slovakia.

We are ashamed that instead of fully recognizing your valuable contribution to our society as both individuals and professionals in your fields, you only hear about being a threat that has to be contained and that there must never exist a Muslim community in Slovakia.

In our view, such irresponsible remarks, in fact, present the real threat as they may elicit hatred from those potentially susceptible to statements put forth by a high ranking state representative. This type of rhetoric can be particularly harmful and put your women and children at risk.

Please accept our sincere apologies for these unjust and humiliating expressions. We wish to assure you that not all people in Slovakia share the Prime Minister’s views. Fear is a natural reaction to the unknown; however, it is utterly and completely unacceptable for those in power to abuse no matter the purposes.

We greatly appreciate your public condemnation of the brutal attacks in Germany during the celebrations of New Year’s Eve. We share your belief that perpetrators of such acts should be judged by their actions, not based on their race or religion.

Finally, we would like to stress that we consider you an integral part of our society and we offer our help and support.

With kind regards wishing you peace,



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