Slovakia has not dealt with its past yet, EDAH says

23.09.2015 , , ,

In Slovakia, there was a lack of educational materials focused on the topic of holocaust from the Slovak perspective. That is why the civic association EDAH decided to create the first complex material on holocaust in Slovakia within a project supported by the Democracy and Human Rights Program. “Obviously, we know from experience that such […]

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Slovakia for all

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The aim of project Slovakia for All is to control public institutions, increase the awareness of real public sources use and breaking of basic democratic rules like equal access to education or labor market.

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Domestic violence and addiction on men. Women from settlements opt for a change

21.09.2015 , , , ,

Learning to be independent, the importance of education or communication with local administration. Civic association In Minorita teaches Roma women to stand on their feet and change their lives. “At the beginning, it was difficult to work with women from our Roma settlement. They were not used to meet up, so we started with handiwork, […]

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Queer festival in Bratislava: We do not have to live in a black and white prison, says the organizer

27.08.2015 , , ,

The stands of LGBTI activists were visited mainly by foreign tourists. A primary school teacher asked for leaflets and information materials for her pupils. On the third Saturday in August, the premises of the Old Market belonged to the LGBTI community, as the third annual presentation of activities of organizations dealing with the rights of […]

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The village of Roškovce refused enrollment to special schools, a local community center helps

17.08.2015 , , , ,

With support of Democracy and Human Rights Programme, Člověk v tísni helps marginalised children in Roškovce.

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Recommendations for youth and children participation

3.08.2015 , ,

Outputs from our conference Empowering Children and Youth in Active Citizenship and Human Rights.

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No Mantinels tells stories of LGBTI people in Slovakia

27.07.2015 , ,

With support of NGO Fund No Mantinels shares stories of LGBTI through theatre and other events.

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9.07.2015 ,

The Open Society Foundation continues its campaign against hatred in cyberspace. You can now visit the web site and share videos designed to raise awareness of the harmfulness of hatred. Hates are everywhere. Especially in cyberspace. You can find them in article discussions, social networks, anywhere where haters can shelter behind the anonymity of […]

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Štefan Ivanco: Inspectors do not investigate attacks of the police on Roma, we need zero tolerance

8.07.2015 , ,

Programme cooridnator from Poradňa pre občianske a ľudské práva speaks about police violence and its solution.

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Why do people accept bribes?

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Read one of the winning essays from student anti-corruption competition.

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